Create Change

  • Choose To Reuse

    Carry a reusable water bottle and coffee cup whenever you can.
    Say no to plastic straws, plates and cutlery, carry your own reusable ones.

  • Recycle

    When you can’t source reusable products, make sure you recycle.
    Collect your soft plastics and dispose of them at your local supermarket ‘soft plastics’ recycling bin

  • Water

    Avoid bottled water, which is always in plastic, especially in Australia, where our water is safe to drink out of the tap in most areas - you’ll also save money at the same time.

  • Bin It

    Always use a bin for cigarette butts, paper, plastics wrappers or anything you dispose of, it should go in the bin.
    Always place all hard plastics into a recycling bin.

  • Ditch Plastic

    Ditch the plastic wrap! Foil is recyclable, or use a lunchbox. Use plastic free tea bags or loose leaf tea. Disposing of regular teabags ultimately leads to microplastics entering our waterways.

  • No More Gum

    Give up the gum, it is made of rubber (hence plastic). While you’re at it, choose not to purchase any items encased in plastic.